
标签: 英文 单词



做蛋糕的英文单词是什么  做蛋糕  做蛋糕的英文单词释义:  make a cake;Make the cake;make cake;make cakes  做蛋糕的英文单词例句:  你真想学做蛋糕?  You really want to learn to bake?  你学做蛋糕吗?  Are you learning to bake cakes?  你会帮我做……




  make a cake;Make the cake;make cake;make cakes



  You really want to learn to bake?


  Are you learning to bake cakes?


  You're gonna help me with that cake, right?


  Space man, huh? How do you crap up there?


  You know, I make wedding cakes for a lot of fancy bridal shops.

  1. It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁的馅儿。

  2. We'd been making cakes and colouring the posters.我们一直在做蛋糕,给海报上色。

  3. The children liked to stir the cake about, making a wish.孩子们喜欢一边搅拌做蛋糕的材料,一边想自己的愿望。

  4. She used the whites of six eggs to make the cake.她用了六个鸡蛋的蛋白来做蛋糕。

  5. I have found out how to make the cake.我已经发现怎么做蛋糕.

  6. In this cake mixture, you can substitute oil for butter.在这种做蛋糕的`配料中,你可以用食用油代替黄油。

  7. Use two cups of flour for the cake.用两杯面粉做蛋糕。

  8. The cook is noted for his cake.这个厨师以做蛋糕而著名。

  9. Don't skimp the butter when you make cakes.你做蛋糕时不要吝惜用奶油。

  10. Use two cups of flour for the cake, ie as a measure in cooking.用两杯面粉做蛋糕(用作烹饪的量器)。

  11. And a human, which means that patching him up is easy as cake.而且是一个人类,就是说救他就象做蛋糕一样容易。

  12. She made the cakes with chocolate and just a hint of rum.她用巧克力和一点点朗姆酒做蛋糕。

  13. The children liked to stir the cake mixture about, making a wish.孩子们喜欢搅拌做蛋糕的混合料,同时许一个心愿。

  14. Sometimes they are used to make cakes and ice cream.有时它可以用来做蛋糕和冰淇淋。

  15. The bread is made by Josh, who also makes cakes.这面包是乔许做的,他也会做蛋糕。

  16. The meat of the walnut can be used in cakes.做蛋糕时可用胡桃肉.

  17. Amy needed eggs for her cake, but she was caught short.艾米做蛋糕需要鸡蛋,便她却正缺此货。

  18. Weigh out all the ingredient before you start make the cake.在动手做蛋糕之前先要把配料都量好。

  19. The two most important ingredients in making cake are flour and sugar.做蛋糕最重要的配料是面粉和糖。

  20. Don't bother making a cake from scratch. Just buy a cake mix.不用那么麻烦从头开始做蛋糕.去买些蛋糕混合料就可以了。