中英文版出国工作证明范本工 作 证 明 ***(身份证:*****)是我司派遣至***公司的'中方雇员,其目前职位为*****,税前月薪为人民币****0元。经****公司批准于2016年4月29日至2016年5月10日请假并赴法国旅行,由员工本人承担在法国和申根区期间所有的费用。 特此证明 ……
工 作 证 明
年 月 日
employment certification
this is to certify that **** ( id card no.: ****) is a chinese employee dispatched by our company to ****, holding the job as guangzhou operational employee (non-manager) with monthly salary of rmb *** before tax. it has been approved by ****** that she will travel in france during april 29th XX to may 10th XX. li keer will afford all the costs in france and schengen area on her own.
certify hereby.
mar. 9th, XX