
标签: 英语 用药 表达 正确



正确用药相关英语表达   正确用药对于病人病情康复来说十分重要。以下是小编带来的正确用药相关英语表达,欢迎阅读。  Proper use of your medicine  正确用药  Take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full length of your prescribed tre……



  Proper use of your medicine


  Take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full length of your prescribed treatment. If you are using an over-the-counter medicine, follow the directions on the label unless otherwise directed by your doctor. If you feel that your medicine is not working for you, check with your doctor.


  Different medicines should never be mixed in one container, unless done by your pharmacist. It is best to keep your medicines tightly capped in their original containers when not in use. Do not remove the label since directions for use and other important information may appear on it.


  To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before taking, especially noting the expiration date and any directions for use.


  For oral medicines


  In general, it is best to take oral medicines with a full glass of water. However, follow your doctors directions. Some medicines should be taken with food, while others should be taken on an empty stomach.


  When taking most long-acting forms of a medicine, each dose should be swallowed whole. Do not break, crush, or chew before swallowing unless you have been specifically told that it is all right to do so.


  If you are taking liquid medicines, you should use a specially marked measuring spoon or other device to measure each dose accurately. Ask your pharmacist about these devices. The average household teaspoon may not hold the right amount of medicine.


  Oral medicine may come in a number of different dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, and liquids. If you have trouble swallowing the dosage form prescribed for you, check with your doctor. Another dosage form that you can swallow more easily may be available.


  Use of child-resistant caps on medicine containers is required by law. However, if you find it hard to open such caps, you may ask your pharmacist for a regular, easier-to-open cap. He or she can provide you with a regular cap if you request it. However, you must make this request each time you get a prescription filled.



  AC ——ante cibum/before meals 饭前 PC表示饭后,HS表示临睡前

  BID—— bis in die/twice day 每日两次

  DC ——/discontinue 停止

  MN ——/mid night 午夜零点

  Pm—— post meridiem/after noon 下午

  PRN—— pro re nata/as necessary 需要时(长期医嘱)

  QD ——quaque die/every day 每日一次

  QID—— quarter in die/four times a day 每日四次

  Qh ——quaque hora/every hour 每小时一次

  Q.2h—— quaque 2 hora/every 2 hous 每2小时一次 Q.4h,Q.6h等表示每4小时一次、每6小时一次

  QOD ——quaque omni die/every other day 隔日一次 QM,QN分别表示每早一次、每晚一次


  Preseription Drug / Ethical Drug / Receptor X,缩写为Rx。



  Nonpreserip Drug / Over The Counter,缩写为OTC。