医学英语阅读:甲型h1n1流感治疗方法 导语:猪流行性感冒(英文:swine influenza)是猪的一种急性、传染性呼吸器官疾病。下面小编为您收集整理了,希望对您有帮助! 甲型h1n1流感治疗方法 据英国卫生机构透露,测试显示人感染H1N1病毒(猪流感)可以使用抗病毒药物osel……
导语:猪流行性感冒(英文:swine influenza)是猪的一种急性、传染性呼吸器官疾病。下面小编为您收集整理了,希望对您有帮助!
据英国卫生机构透露,测试显示人感染H1N1病毒(猪流感)可以使用抗病毒药物oseltamavir (达菲)和zanamivir(瑞沙)治疗。昨天,卫生大臣艾伦约翰逊表示,达菲在墨西哥已被证明是有效的治疗药物。达菲的需求已经达到了历史的最高值,它是片剂形式的,而瑞沙必须被吸入。
Is treatment available and does it work?
Testing has shown that the human swine influenza H1N1 can be treated with the antivirals oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), according to the UK's Health Protection Agency. The health secretary, Alan Johnson, said yesterday that Tamiflu had proved effective on patients in Mexico. Demand has historically been greatest for Tamiflu, which comes in tablet form, while Relenza must be inhaled.
What do antiviral treatments do?
Drugs relieve some of the symptoms, reduce the potential for serious complications like pneumonia and cut the length of the illness by around a day. Crucially, they also reduce transmission of the virus from person to person. The government estimates that up to 750,000 people could die in the UK during a pandemic without antivirals.
How much of these drugs do we have?
The NHS signed contracts earlier this year with pharmaceutical companies Roche, which makes Tamiflu, and GlaxoSmithKline, which makes Relenza, to double its store of antiviral drugs, bringing our total capacity to 33.5 million treatment courses.
假如每个人都生病的话,政府的储量可以普惠50 %的人口。英国已经是举世公认的一个准备得最好的国家之一。以前流感大流行感染人口比例在25 %和35 %之间。医.学教育.网搜集整理
Is that enough?
The government's store would cover 50% of the population – everyone predicted to fall ill in the event of a pandemic. It says the UK is already widely recognised as one of the best prepared countries in the world. Previous flu pandemics have infected between 25% and 35% of the population.
科学家们正致力于开发一种新的疫苗。但是,记者在卢森堡欧盟委员会通报会上被告知,虽然业内人士正在尽快的工作,新措施也意味着它上市的时间比正常疫苗更快,但这个过程可能仍然需要半年时间。 医.学教.育网搜.集整理
What about a vaccine?
Scientists are working on developing a vaccine against the new strain. But reporters at a European commission briefing in Luxembourg were told that although the industry was working as fast as possible and new measures meant it could be on the market much quicker than a normal vaccine, the process could still take up to half a year.