一心二用不可行英语日记范文带翻译 今天晚上,妈妈让我读一篇文章。正当我准备“锁定目标”,别的文章却诱惑了我。我情不自禁的.看了起来不知不觉1小时就过去了。妈妈在20时的时候,突然来检查我写到了哪里,结果,我仅仅写了百分之三十。妈妈看到后大发雷霆,义正言辞地对……
My mother asked me to read an article this evening. Just as I was ready to "lock in the target", other articles tempted me. I can't help but look at it and it's gone for an hour. When my mother was at 20 o'clock, she suddenly came to check where I wrote. As a result, I only wrote 30 percent. When my mother saw it, she was furious. She said to me in a righteous way, "don't be distracted. Focus on what you do.
Hi, it's the devil!