【热】英语日记带翻译 今天爷爷和我去赶集。集上的人真多啊!有的`卖衣服,有的卖肉,还有的卖菜。我和爷爷到了卖对联那里,爷爷左挑右选,终于挑到了最好的一副对联。然后我们还买了好多好东西。 Today, Grandpa and I went to the fair. There are so many people in……
Today, Grandpa and I went to the fair. There are so many people in the fair. Some sell clothes, some sell meat, and some sell vegetables. My grandfather and I went to sell couplets. Grandpa chose the best couplets from left to right. Then we bought a lot of good things.
It's interesting to go to the fair. This is my first time.