
标签: 英语 考前 六级 冲刺 试题



英语六级考前冲刺阅读练习试题   大学英语六级考试不但信度高,而且效度高,符合大规模标准化考试的质量要求,能够按教学大纲的要求反映我国大学生的英语水平,因此有力地推动了大学英语教学大纲的贯彻实施,促进了我国大学英语教学水平的提高。下面是小编分享的英语六级考……




  Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great importance.The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom,we have a way of thinking,is behavior at its most commonplace.As a matter of fact,it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over,is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions.Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of firsi-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief and the very great varieties it may manifest.

  No man ever looks at the world with pristine(未受外界影响的)eyes.He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particulartraditional customs.John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of che total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family.When one seriously studies social orders that have had the opportunity to develop independently,the figure (比喻)becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.The life history of the individual is first and foremost an adjustment to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior.By the time he can talk,he is the little creature of his culture,and by the time he is grown and able to take part in its activities,its habits are his habits,its beliefs his beliefs,its impossibilities his impossibilities.

  1.What is the author's attiude towards custom as behavior at its most commonplace?

  2.The great varieties of custom are taken by the author as the_________aspect of the issue.

  3.According to John Dewey, we can impose______________influence on our cultural tradition.

  4.The author tends to regard John Dewey's idea as___________________.

  5.An individual's experience and behavior are influenced by the customs since he_____________.



  [定位]根据a its most commonplace查找到首段第2句。

  解析:首段第2句提到,对于习俗,我们通常的看法是,那只是一种最平常的行为方式而已。下一句用As a matter of fact转折,表示“事实上却是另外一种情况”,由此可见,作者对人们关于习俗的那种通常的看法是不赞成的'、否定的,因此本题答案为Negative./Disapproving.

  2.[most/first-rate important]

  [定位]根据the great varieties查找到首段末句。

  解析:首段末句表明作者认为最重要的事实是风俗也可能有多种表现方式。也就是说,风俗的多种表现方式被作者当成问题最重要的一个方面,由于题目空白处后面是名词aspect,所以应把原文中的first-rate importance换成其形容词形式,故本题答案为most/first-rate important。

  3.[very little]

  [定位]根据John Dewey和cultural tradition查找到第2段第4句。

  解析:本题关键要弄懂John Dewey的话,他用了一个关于幼儿学母语的比喻来说明一个人对传统习俗的反作用。John Dewey认为“一个人咿呀学语时所创造出来并被自己家人接受的词汇肯定比他母语的所有词汇少得多”,也就是说,我们对传统习俗所施加的影响是极其微小的,所以空白处应填人very little。

  4.[an exact and matter-of-fact observation]

  [定位]根据regard John Dewey's idea查找到第2段第4、5句。

  解析:第2段第4句提到John Dewey的观点时用了一个比喻,下一句就表明了作者对这个比喻的看法,题目问作者对John Dewey的观点的看法也就等同于问作者对这个比喻的看法,故no more than后的an exact and matter-of-fact observation就是本题答案。

  5.[is born]

  [定位]根据experience and behavior查找到第2段倒数第2句。

  解析:题目与原文该句的内容相同,原文中讲到,从一个人诞生之日起,他所处环境的习俗就制约着他的体验和行为方式。空白处缺少谓语,而根据原文中的from the moment of his birth可知,此题since he后应填is born。


  US President Bush will soon give Russia notice that the United States is withdrawing from the 1972 nucleartreaty that bans testing of missile defense systems. US government officials said on Tuesday.

  He will announce the decision in the next several days, effectively citing a clause in the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that requires the United States and Russia to give six months' notice before abandoning thepact.

  Wich the decision, Bush takes the first step foward fulfilling a campaign pledge to develop and deploy an anti-missile system that he says will protect the United States and its allies, including Russia, from missiles fired by hostile nations.

  Russia and many US allies have warned Bush that withdrawing from the pact might trigger a nuclear arms race. Critics of the plan also question whether an effective system can be developed without enormous expense.

  The president defended his push for a missile shield during a national security speech Tuesday at the Citadel in South Carolina.

  "Last week we conducted another promising test of our missile defense technology," Bush said. "For the good of peace, we're moving forward with an active program to determine what works and what does not work. In order to do so, we must move beyond the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a treaty that was written ina different era, for a different enemy."

  "America and our allies must not be bound to the past. We must be able to build the defenses we need against the enemies of the 2lst century," he said.

  According to Bush administration officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin had assured Bush during theirOctober talks in Washington that US-Russian relations would not suffer even if Bush pulled out of the treaty.

  The decision came as Secretary of State Colin Powell, in Moscow, said Russia and the United States are near agreement on drastic cuts in long-range nuclear arsenals, but remain, at odds over a US missile defense.

  1.The U.S. decided to withdraw from the nuclear treaty because the treaty required its members not__________________.

  2.When will the U.S. withdraw from the nuclear treaty?

  3.According to Russia, US' withdrawal from the treaty may bring about__________________.

  4.What is Russia's attitude towards U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM Treaty?

  5.Russian and the U.S. still couldn't reach agreement on_________________.


  1.[to test missile defense systems]


  解析:原文该段中修饰nuclear treaty的定语从句表明了美国退出核仿控制条约的原因,且原文中的bans...与题目中的require... not同义。要注意的是,require常用require sb.to do/not to do sth.,因此,回答本题时,要先将原文中的testing改为动词不定式形式to test,故本题答案为to best missile defense systems。

  2.[In six months.]


  解析:第2段段末的six months' notice before...表明美国将在6个月后正式退出条约,故答案为“6个月后”,注意在将来时中表达“6个月后”要用介词in而非after。

  3.[a nuclear arms race]


  解析:原文该句中的trigger与题目中的bring about都有“导致”的意思,由此可见,原文中tigger的宾语a nuclear arms为本题答案。



  解析:原文该段末的...US-Russian relations would not suffer even if Bush pulled out of the treaty表明俄罗斯对美国退出ABM条约的态度是“认可的”,这种态度可以表达为approving或supportive。

  5.[a US missile defense]


  解析:该段段末的but表明at odds与该段前半个分句中的agreement表达的含义相反,可见美俄两国在a US missile defense方面未能达成一致,故可知答案。