英语六级翻译特训试题 大学英语六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试由“国家教育部高教司”主办,每年各举行两次。本文特意为大家收集整理了英语六级翻译特训试题,希望大家喜欢! 练习一 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 过度包装浪费资源、污染环境、危害社会利益,……
Over-packaging should be forbidden due to itswasting resources, polluting the enviromnent,endangering social interest, which will do nothingbut harm to the country, society and individuals. Weshould establish the idea of packaging simply andadvocate proper package. It's the common responsibility of society, enterprises and individualsto construct a conservation-minded society. Individuals should build up. a view of greenconsumption and advocate plain-consuming. If everyone emphasizes friendship rather thangifts, content rather than surface in social relationship, over-packaging can by no means exist.Our society should further advocate the concept of plain and reasonable consuming so as tofoster a healthy social atmosphere.
1.有百害而无一利:可译为do nothing but harm to...。其中do nothing but意为“只,仅仅”,更有“除此之外并无其他”的意味。也可以用is of no good for来表达。
2.节约型社会:可以有多种表达,如conservation-minded society, conservation-oriented society或resource-saving society等。
3.绿色消费观:可译为a view of green consumption。“观点”可以用view, concept, idea等词表达。
4.朴素消费:可译为plain-consuming。其中plain意为“朴素的,简朴的”,例如 “艰苦朴素”可译为hardworking and plain-living。
5.重情谊轻礼品:可以理解为“重视情谊而不是礼品”,故此处译为emphasizes friendship rather thangifts。
裸婚(naked wedding)指没有房子、车子或大量存款的婚姻。新人竭力简化全过程。许多情况下,甚至连婚礼都省去了,以降低成本。要父母同意裸婚是很困难的。在20世纪90年代,如果你拥有电视机、摩托车、洗衣机,计划结婚时你会更有信心。近来,婚礼花销也迅速上涨。作为适婚年龄的年轻人,求婚之前,你应该有一辆汽车、一套公寓和一颗钻石。否则新娘父母的极大阻碍会打败你,让你感到失望。更多年轻的.恋人不得不选择不经父母同意裸婚。
Naked wedding refers to a marriage without a house,a car or considerable deposit.The new couple triestheir best to simplify the whole process.In manycases, even a wedding ceremony is omitted to cutdown the cost.It's hard work to ask for parents'permission to agree on naked wedding.In the 1990s, you would have more confidence if youpossessed a TV, a motorcycle and a washing machine when planning for marriage.Recently, thecost of wedding has risen rapidly.As young people of marriage age, you should have a car, anapartment and a diamond before proposal.Otherwise, many obstacles from the bride'sparents will defeat you with despair.More young lovers have to choose naked wedding withoutparents' approval.
1.大量存款:可译为considerable deposit。其中considerable意为“很多的,大量的”,还可以用词组agreat deal of来表达。
2.降低成本:可译为cut down the cost。
3.要父母同意裸婚是很困难的:该句翻译时采用了“it is+名词+to do”的句型,使句子结构更加紧凑。
4.作为适婚年龄的年轻人:可译为as young people ofmarriage age。其中marriage age意为“适婚年龄”。
5.新娘父母的极大阻碍:可译为many obstacles from the bride's parents。
6.打败你,让你感到失望:可合并译为defeat you with despair。这里用with despair作状语表示“让你感到失望”,句子更显简洁。
7.不经父母同意:可译为without parents'approval。