
标签: 英语 短文 写作 技巧



英语短文写作技巧   写好一篇短文,需要几个关键步骤:审题、编写提纲、成文写作。短文写作要从每个基本步骤扎实练起,方能水到渠成。短文写作步骤技巧常用连词专业英语考试常见命题作文,要想写好一篇短文,需要几个关键步骤:审题、编写提纲与成文写作。  一、审题  ……




  即按题目指定内容范围确定中心思想,采用恰当文体,在规定时间内完成作文。例如,文题“TV:a good thing or a bad thing”,先抓关键词——TV,再考虑如何围绕其展开议论,阐明看法;另从题目看,文体应属议论文。确定这两点,头脑中便形成明确框架,不致走题或不知如何阐述观点。



  Topic:Should older people live with their adult children?

  Central idea: It is a good practice for older people to live with their adult children.

  Supporting ideas:

  1)Older people and their adult children can get comfort and help from oneanother.

  2)Housing problems can partially solved.

  3)Living expenses can be reduced.

  Conclusion: Older people are expected to live with their adult children for their own as well as their children’s sake.





  a.主题句。提示或说明段落主题的句子叫主题句,特点是句式简洁,中心突出,具有概括性,且一次只能表达一个议题。没有主题句,段落就缺少中心,段落意义也含糊不清。下面是题为Career Change in Middle -life的文章中的四个主题句,哪一个更为合适?

  1)I had always wanted to change my career.

  2)At my fortieth birthday, I made a career decision that I have made when I was twenty.

  3)Every day I dreaded going to work.

  4)My present job was giving me ulcers.







  1)设问法,要增加文章感染力,直接切入主题,可采用直接提问的方法。如题为 Good Health的文章可以这样开头:Why is good health necessary to happiness and success?


  Although most persons believe that males are physically stronger than females, this belief is not based on fact. Studies have shown that females have a biological precocity that is evident from birth onward. The skeletal development of girls is superior to that of boys at birth, and this physical superiority continues until maturity.



  1)事例法,也称列举法,常用连词有:first, second, third或 For one thing…for another等。如:Looking forward to the decade of 1980’s,one wonders what personal qualities will be needed for success. Possibly the four most essential attributes are:flexibility, honesty, creativity, and perseverance.First, our rapidly changing society requires flexibility—the ability to adapt oneself to readily to new ideas and experiences.Next,honesty, the capacity both to tell and to face the truth courageously, will be important in all aspects of personal and public relations. In addition, creativity will be required to meet the constantly changing world around us.Finally, perseverance , the ability to hold on at all costs, will be required in a society where it is full of competitions for space, food and shelter.


  ①类比法,即将两种不同事物间的相似点进行比较。如:Li Yin and Lu Ping have many things in common. To begin with, both girls have the same background, Li Yin was born and raised in the South, and so was Lu Ping. In addition,both girls are interested in the same kinds of subjectsin college. Li Yin likes English, math, and computer science. Similarly, Lu Ping has great interest in these three subjects. Furthermore, both girls want to be engineers. Li Yin plans to become an electrical engineer; Lu Ping wants to be a military engineer. As you can see, the two girls are almost like twins.

  ②对比法,即强调事物间的不同之处。如:In Europethere are very few wooden houses being built today. This is partly because wood is no longer as it once was, and partly because wooden houses catch fire quite easily. On the other hand, there are many wooden houses in the US. This is because the first settlers wanted to build houses quickly and inexpensively. Since the country was covered in many places with forests, some trees had to be cut down to make room for houses.

  c.结尾段,是一篇文章必不可少的部分。结尾部分草草收场,会使人感到悬而未决,以致全文软弱无力;反之,严谨完整的收尾则会深化主题,给读者以完整感。通常采用综合结论法,即在总结全文的例证、事实等基础上最后得出结论。如:By setting a good example for your children, you are not only giving them a good model to imitate, you are also helping them to increase their chances for survival. It is not too soon to help your children begin to appreciate, understand, and respect the environment in which they live.
