英文出国邀请函通用4篇 邀请函要求简洁明了,不需要太多文字。在不断进步的时代,我们偶尔会使用上邀请函,到底应如何拟定邀请函呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英文出国邀请函,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。英文出国邀请函1Dear Mr.... (madam) My company mainly produces _……
Dear Mr.... (madam)
My company mainly produces ____ ____ ____, and other products, we invite you to visit the headquarters of our company production workshop and negotiate business, hope you to give guidance in your busy day, my company all staff sincerely welcome your arrival!
The company is on board
Distinguished leadership:
I came to the United States in in city, (English name) at the university of department at one's own expenses study abroad, study for a degree in .In the United States has spent the past months, study and life basic settle down, just a person living here, often feel lonely, very is miss relatives in the home, hope that my wife (or husband) comrade can go to America to visit.
My scholarship is about X X thousand dollars a year, enough burden two people on this side of life, I hope to visit request has been approved by the relevant leaders and unit.
The host:
(date) (month) (year)
The official in the visa office of consulate:
You're all right!
My name is , , , , , , , .
This letter invites my (the inviter's name) to be (the inviter's name) in x year x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x to my family. My id number is .
I will cover all expenses incurred during this period. The birthday of (the inviter's name) is X year X; The address in country is: , .
I thank you for the approval of the official.
(inviter's signature)
In x x month x day
Ich lade hiermit Herrn / Frau / Fraeulein
Zuname, Vorname
Geburtsdatum, Geburtsort
fuer die Zeit vom________________ bis __________________ein。
Ich verpflichte mich, fuer alle im Zusammenhang mit dieser Reise entstehenden Kosten aufzukommen。 Vom Inhalt des §84 Auslaendergesetz wurde ich durch umseitiger Merkblatt in Kenntiniss des Verpflichtung wurde mir ausgehaedigt。
Ort, Datum
Beglaubigung des Unterschrift
Zuname, Vorname
Wohnhaft, Strass, Wohnort
( ) Personalausweis Nr。: ____________________
( ) Reisepass Nr。: _________________________
hat vorstehende Unterschrift vor mir vollzogen。 Auf die Verpflichtung gemaess §84 Auslaedergesetz Dies wird hiermit amtlich beglaubigt。