英文病历书写:神经精神系统 以下是小编带来的英文病历书写:神经精神系统,欢迎阅读,更多相关内容尽在cnfla学习网。 (1)他数星期来,有好几次在眩晕前,意识突然发生变化。 He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for sever……
He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.
一般用语 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia
He noted a progressive speech impediment.
He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.
He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.
一般用语 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious
喜欢小题大做的 fussy
好管闲事的 noisy
吹毛求疵的 fault finding
自负的 conceited
很势利的 snobbish
自私的' selfish
吝啬的 stingy
气量大的 broad minded
慷慨的 generous
好心的 kind hearted
心情变幻不定而抑郁的 be moody and depressed
患有极痛苦的忧虑 have an attack of excruciating anxiety
ex1:His mood was appropriate.
ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.
一般用语 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of
thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy
再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate
发觉集中力减退 noted waning powers of concentration
She noted only slight difficulty in concentrating while reading and writing.
He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.
一般用语 hallucination, delusion of persecution(被害妄想), mental confusion, disorientation, mental aberration, negativism, loss of memory, amnesia, mutism, etc.
老是发出痴呆、不适当的笑声 frequently exhibit silly inappropriate laughter
对其他小孩残酷无情 behave brutally toward other children
变为难于驾御 become unmanageable
发觉个性显著变化 a definite personality change is noted
精神失常逐渐厉害起来 have gradually progressive mental deterioration.
发觉记性障碍有2个月 noted memory impairment for 2 months.
She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect.
一般用语 emotional instability, tendency to worry, hot temper, temper outbursts, irritable, shy, fussy, quarrelsome
情绪非常窘迫 be in severe increasing emotional lability
心神不安宁,坐立不安 be restless and fidgety
动辄生气 be easily moved to anger
脾气暴躁 have temper tantrums
深怀自卑感 harborn deep feelings of inferiority
The patient is in good condition and seems to be emotionally undisturbed.
He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.