雅思写作范文另类题目的写作方法 首先评价一下刚刚经过的三月的两场考试吧。8号那天不再多说,伟大妇女的节日,英国人本着祖上的尊重女性的传统,还是蛮照顾的,题目很简单,但是回头看看3月1日那天似乎就不太好了,究其范围来说,是久违了的教育类话题,今年也算是特殊了……
The government thinks that education system should be up to date. Following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to the young people?
literature sports mathematics economics physics music psychology history geography foreign languages
第一段:Psychology and foreign languages, in my mind, should be ranked as the primary choice, while sports is not that important.
第二段:Compred with physical health, mental health plays far more important role in ones life. ^_^可以用上圆圆老师超级数字列举了,还记得吗
第三段:Undoutedly, foreign languages learning renders it easier for one to know about the cultural background of different nations.