关于X线的中英文对照表 以下是小编带来的关于X线的中英文对照表,欢迎阅读。 上肢静脉造影: Upper Vein Angiography 下肢动脉造影: Lower Artery Angiography 上肢动脉造影: Upper Artery Angiography 脑血管造影: Cerebrovascular Angiograhy 主动脉弓胸……
上肢静脉造影: Upper Vein Angiography
下肢动脉造影: Lower Artery Angiography
上肢动脉造影: Upper Artery Angiography
脑血管造影: Cerebrovascular Angiograhy
主动脉弓胸腹主动脉造影: Aorta Angiography
肾静脉取血: Kidney Vein Blood Sampling
右心、左心造影: Right and Left Ventricular Angiography
心肌活检: Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling
冠状动脉造影: Coronary Arteriography
腔静脉取血: Vena cava sampling
心导管检查(微导管同)(进口仪器): Cardiac catheterization
经皮球囊扩张: Percutaneous balloon dilatating
予激综合症心内膜检测: Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome
希氏束电图: Electrocardiogram of bundle of His
心脏临时起搏: Cardiac temporary pacing
埋置永久心脏起搏器: Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting
体肢动脉系统介入治疗: Transartery interventional therapy
支气管动脉介入治疗: Bronchus artery interventional therapy
肺动脉介入治疗: Pulmonary artery interventional therapy
头臂动脉介入治疗: Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy
静脉介入治疗: Veinous interventional therapy
冠状动脉介入治疗(球囊成形): Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty)
冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内旋磨): Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)
冠状动脉介入治疗(腔内支架): Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion)
主动脉介入治疗: Aorta interventional therapy
肾动脉介入治疗: Renal artery interventional therapy
心脏瓣膜成形术: Heart valvuloplasty
房间隔缺损封堵术: Atrial septal defect closer
室间隔缺损封堵术: Ventricular septal defect closer
动脉导管封堵术: Patent doctus arteriosus closer
冠状动脉瘘封堵术: Coronary artery fistula closer
冠状动脉腔内超声: Intracoronary ultrasound
非冠状动脉血管内支架置入治疗: Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery
经皮清除血管内异物: Transluminal eyewinker clearing
经皮放置静脉滤器: Transluminal filter implantaion