
标签: 学会 双语



学会宁静学会独处双语好句  Q ...  It has a quality difficult to explain and that which must be personally felt for one to genuinely appreciate it's true nature ...这是种很难解释的品质,需要人真心去感知其本质。  U ...  It has an understanding na……


  Q ...

  It has a quality difficult to explain and that which must be personally felt for one to genuinely appreciate it's true nature ...这是种很难解释的品质,需要人真心去感知其本质。

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  It has an understanding nature in that it blankets itself around you and comforts you and nurtures you in that private moment when you are with just yourself ...其本质是理解,围绕着你,给你安慰、给你滋养,在你独自一人的私密时光。

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  It ignites a special place inside of you that can create and develop any internal ideas that only you can give birth to when you are alone ...可以点燃你的内心,可以在你独处的`时候创造发展只有你能想到的内心思想。

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  It enhances our understanding and appreciation of the endless possibilities as we contemplate on the real meaning of our lives and how we should live them...我们思考生命真正的意义、思考如何过好日子的同时,宁静可以提升我们对无限可能性的理解与欣赏。

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  It offers tranquility to just be in the moment and to absorb oneself in this being and to be mindful of it throughout ...使人宁静、活在当下,全心投入眼前的一切,至始至终都关注眼下。