新GRE词汇反义词复习资料集锦 ponderous < graceful and light ponderous < vibrant pontificate < comment tentatively pontificate < speak diffidently porous < impenetrable portentous < regular poseur < sincere person posit < deny postulate……
ponderous < graceful and light
ponderous < vibrant
pontificate < comment tentatively pontificate < speak diffidently porous < impenetrable
portentous < regular
poseur < sincere person
posit < deny
postulate < deny as false
posture < behave naturally potable < undrinkable
potentate < powerless person potentate < subject
pout < grin
笨拙的 < 优美轻盈的
笨拙的 < 活泼的
装模作样的.说 < 试探性的评论
傲慢的说 < 缺乏自信地说
多孔渗水的 < 难以渗透的
怪异的 < 平常的
装模作样的人 < 真诚的人
断定 < 否认
假设是真的 < 否认为假的