小学五年级英语日记带翻译刷牙乐 1月25日 星期三 阴 Wednesday, January 25 cloudy 晚上,我睡前认真地刷牙。先倒了一杯温水,再把牙刷上挤上一点“青蛙王子”牌牙膏,我按照门牙、磨牙,上边、下边,里面、外面的`顺序刷牙,牙齿刷的又白又亮,还能防止蛀牙呢,所以……
1月25日 星期三 阴
Wednesday, January 25 cloudy
At night, I brush my teeth carefully before I go to bed. First pour a cup of warm water, and then squeeze a little "Frog Prince" toothpaste on the toothbrush. I brush my teeth in the order of front teeth, molars, top, bottom, inside and outside. The teeth are white and bright, which can prevent tooth decay. So I like to brush my teeth.