我爱下雨天英语日记 今天下了一场雨,来的非常突然。早上起来外面下着瓢泼的`大雨,十分地冷,树叶唱着歌儿,雨滴欢快地拍着着窗户,在地上散发出美丽的亮光。它把田地里的土淋湿了,让大树的树叶宝宝长大了一些。啊,这样的景色好美呀! It rained today. It was very……
It rained today. It was very sudden. In the morning, it's pouring rain outside. It's very cold. The leaves are singing. The raindrops are clapping the windows happily. They give out beautiful light on the ground. It drenched the soil in the field and made the leaves of the big tree grow up. Ah, how beautiful the scenery is!
I love rainy days because it can bring us infinite happiness.