为奴十二年经典语录 《为奴十二年》根据所罗门诺瑟普在1853年所著传记体小说《为奴十二年》改编。下面一起去欣赏一些为奴十二年经典语录吧! if only i didnot have to share your cooking with other people. 多么 希望你只为我一人服务。 Tomorrow you will fe……
if only i didnot have to share your cooking with other people.
多么 希望你只为我一人服务。
Tomorrow you will feel as well and refreshed as though the earth were new again.
I promise you upon my liberation I will have satisfaction for this wrong.
If you want to sruvive,do and say as little as possible.Tell no one who you reallyare and tell no one that you can read and write.
I'll admit to being impressed even if you won't
You let youself be overcome by sorrow.You will drown in it.
From where you stand you may see differently. But the hands are not mistaken.I simply ask showce.com that you use all your senses before rendering judgement.
视线可能会造成错误 ,可手不会。我只是说不要盲目做出判断 。
where one time I served,now I got others servin'me
My bed is too holy for yah ta share
I'm sure in time y'll develope as picker,but is takes effort,boy.
Laws change,Universal truths are constant.a plain and simple fact that what is true and right for all .white and black alike.
法律 是人颁布的,真理却是永恒不变的。是真的就是真的,白人和黑人是一样的。
Clemens:If you want to survive,do and say as little as possible.Tell no one who you really are,and tell no one that you can read and write.Unless you want to be a dead nigger.
Clemens:The rest here are niggers,born and bred slaves.Niggers aren't got the stomach for a fight.Not a damn one.
All I know,where we keep travelling we wish we died trying.
Clemens:Survival is not about certain death,it is about keeping your dead down.
Solomon:Days ago I was with my family in my home.Now you tell me all is lost.Tell no one showce.com who I really am?If I want to survive.Well,I don't want to survive,I want to live.
Solomon:I survive!I will not fall into despair!I will offer up my talents to Master Ford.I will keep myself hearty until freedom is opportunity!
Solomon:My back is thick with scars from protesting my freedom.