
标签: 托福考试 真题



托福考试口语真题   在日常学习和工作中,只要有考核要求,就会有试题,借助试题可以对一个人进行全方位的考核。那么你知道什么样的试题才能有效帮助到我们吗?下面是小编整理的托福考试口语真题,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。  托福考试口语真题 1  Task 1:If your……



  托福考试口语真题 1

  Task 1:If your friends’ family member were sick, what would you do to comfort him?

  Task 2:Do you agree or disagree that senior students should take a gap year before entering college?

  Task 3:


  标题:Create A Sidewalk Across the Main Lawn







  Task 4:


  标题:Environmental Impact Assessment

  定义:在实施建筑项目(construction projects)的时候,要考虑工程对于环境的影响,如果影响是负面的,则需要对项目进行调整


  例子:一家建筑公司(construction company)考虑在一片湿地(wet land)上修建一座大型的购物中心。修建之前,该公司先对当地做了一个社会调查,调查发现如果修建购物中心则会破坏当地的湿地,因此该公司最后放弃了在当地修建购物中心的计划,而换到了其他地点。

  Task 5:

  问题:男生想去参加art festival,但是他的'paper还没有完成







  Task 6:

  话题:创办一个新的公司或企业面临着许多进入壁垒(entry barrier),进入壁垒主要有两种类型

  要点1:第一种进入壁垒是经济壁垒(financial barrier)


  要点2:第二种进入壁垒是客户忠诚度(customer loyalty)


  托福考试口语真题 2


  What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in your explanation.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Traveling to new places would be a pleasant memory instead of a time-consuming and energy-burning task.

  Task 3.

  The school plans to build a coffeehouse near library which will be convenient for students studying in the library to have a place to discuss and chat with friends.

  The man agrees with this idea. It saves lots of time for students to go to the cafeteria and offers students a place to finish group projects because discussion is not allowed in the library.

  Task 4

  Produce saturation: plant species produce mass production of seeds preventing from all seeds be eaten by animals. This type does not last long.

  For example, bamboo produces tons of seeds every 120 years in different seasons to prevent animals from eating all seeds due to tremendous amount.

  Task 5

  The man’s problem is that his band has a concert to put on but one of his partners bob who could not come because of his job interview. The first solution is to put it off till next week, but they might lose lots of audiences because exams are coming. The second solution is to perform without bob. That might degrade the quality of the performance since Bob is the lead singer of the band.

  Task 6

  Sense usually interact providing comprehensive understanding of an object. Experiments test results of sight and touching senses work individually. For example, two bottles with the same volume. One is tall and thin, the other is short and wide. If it’s judged by sight-seeing, people will believe the tall-and-thin bottle contains larger volume, but if judged by touching, blindly folded, people will think the short- and- wide bottle contains larger volume.

  托福考试口语真题 3


  Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.



  find information on a wide range of topics

  举例子:psychology, business, politics, and stuff like that


  type the key words in the search engine, like google, bing, baidu

  答案就会出现:show up on the screen,

  找到信息很浪费时间:time consuming to find the information

  Well, I think it is better to use internet when doing research. To begin with, students can find reference on the internet easily, cuz they can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment they know, the answer shows up on the screen, and they basically can find reference on every topic, like technology, history, and even psychology. However, the papers books about certain topics might not be available. One might not be able to find these books in the bookstore or in the library.

  托福考试口语真题 4

  Task1. Which of the following community service would you be more interested in doing and explain why? Cleaning the city park, planting flowers and trees or build a bicycle lane?

  Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depends on experienced teachers?

  Task 3.

  Reading: Student Letter, 建议学校应该在宿舍楼里放tea and coffee station, 因为节省时间又便宜

  Listening: Woman agrees, 因为早上起不来,时间很紧,没有时间特意去买早餐。只有学校餐厅有茶喝咖啡,宿舍提供的话会更方便。然后是因为咖啡厅太贵,这样更省钱一些。

  Task 4.

  Reading: 两种毫无联系的生物有可能在不同的环境下进化出相似的feature

  Listening: 教授举了两种动物的例子。一个是非洲的长得像猪的生物,应该是platypus一个是澳洲的体型偏小的生物,应该是echidina. 它俩因为都吃一种昆虫,中种昆虫生活在很深很坚硬的mud里面,于是它俩都进化出了long sticky tongue,可以帮助它们从mud里面吃到虫子而活下来。

  Task 5.

  P: 男女要一起开车去看play,但是难得突然想起自己还有一门课,所以准备下周再去play. 但是这样女的就没有人开车带她了。

  S1: 女生可以开男神的车去。虽然有驾照,但是没有开车经验,不太敢,而且要去的.地方也没开车去过。

  S2: 坐公交去,但是要花两倍时间,因为有很多站。

  Task 6.

  Topic: Railroad对美国的贡献


  第二个是可以运raw material比如coal. 美国南部没有煤,之前就没有工厂,因为需要煤provide energy,但是有了铁路,可以把其他区域的煤运过来,这样美国南部就多了很多工厂。