
标签: 英语 句子 他们 开心



他们很开心的英语句子  在我们平凡的日常里,大家总少不了接触一些耳熟能详的句子吧,从句法角度说,句子是使最大的语法单位。还苦于找不到好的句子?以下是小编收集整理的他们很开心的英语句子,希望能够帮助到大家。  1、我的心里甜滋滋的,感到了从未有过的欢乐。I fe……



  1、我的心里甜滋滋的,感到了从未有过的欢乐。I felt, had never felt the joy.

  2、他高兴,犹如北京的二月,春风吹的暖意融融!He is happy, just like the February of Beijing, the warmth of spring breeze is warm!

  3、手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电。Cut the wire with a kitchen knife, with sparks all the way.

  4、快乐应该是美德的伴侣。Happiness should be a companion of virtue.

  5、与人相处之道,在于无限的容忍。The way to get along with others lies in infinite tolerance.

  6、没有人能比笑得过多的人更感到深切的悲衰。No one can feel more deeply sad than a man who laughs too much.

  7、我们的目标:向钱看,向厚赚。Our goal: money, to make thick.

  8、求快乐时非快乐,得便宜处失便宜。To be happy is not to be happy, but to be cheap is to lose it.

  9、当我们爱别人的时候,生活是美好、快乐的。When we love others, life is beautiful and happy.

  10、像是喝了清醇的酒,嘴角也露出了笑!Like a mellow wine, the mouth is also exposed to smile!

  11、她满脸是甜蜜的微笑,活像一朵盛开的玫瑰花。Her face is sweet smile, like a blooming rose.

  12、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。I can't help myself, except for teeth and love.

  13、微笑拥抱每一天,做像葵花般和煦的女子。Smile, embrace every day, be a sunflower like woman.

  14、夜秘密的把花开放了,却让白日去领受谢词。Night secret opened the flower, but allows the day to get.

  15、那颗心乐得快要盛不下蜜糖般的喜悦。The heart was so happy that it could not contain the joy of honey.