苏轼《水调歌头》英译 《水调歌头明月几时有》是宋代大文学家苏轼公元1076年(宋神宗熙宁九年)中秋在密州时所作。这首词以月起兴,与其弟苏辙七年未见之情为基础,围绕中秋明月展开想象和思考,把人世间的悲欢离合之情纳入对宇宙人生的哲理性追寻之中,反映了作者复杂而又……
How can we know the pattern of the moons waxing and waning? I raised my glass and asked the sky from afar. I dont know what year and month it is in the Heavenly Palace now. I could have gone up with the gentle breeze to ask my old friends, but Im afraid the tall buildings with red walls and stacked pavilions wont be able to withstand the chill from above. And how could the scenery above the nine heavens compare to the silver light suddenly flowing down at this moment, like the shadow of palace maids dancing and the swaying wind of the water waves?
In the blink of an eye, the moon leaped from the eaves of the tall building and into the window frames filled with carved flowers, staring at me, a wandering outsider. Yueer, Yueer, have I offended you in any way? Otherwise, why should I be extra round when parting ways with my relatives and friends? Hey! In fact, I also know that since ancient times, the joys and sorrows of this world have been like the waxing and waning of the moon, difficult to find perfection. I only hope that my distant relatives and friends are safe and happy, even though we are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, bathed in the same moonlight, just like when we gather together.