这个小精灵也一样,它现在已经成了一个rap说唱者,叽叽喳喳不停,而且声音越来越大:“去,去图书馆,我需要书,很多很多的书,而且你要帮着把书读给我听。” More and more books. And you can help me read them too. 相对于摩根大通(在YouTube上有首关于沃伦教……
More and more books. And you can help me read them too.
She is loved by consumer groups because she leans more towards Joe Sixpack than JPMorgan (witness the pro-Warren rap tune on YouTube, “Got a New Sheriff”).
Many investors say that while the labels' weakened finances have led them to make slightly more friendly deals, they remain tough negotiators.
Microsoft, the monopolist in software industry, has announced a new line of clothing, in partnership with rapper Common, called Softwear.