商务英语:面试技巧 导语:有一件很遗憾的事情,许多面试官都把面试当作盘问求职者的过程,而不是一次友好而人性化的对话。下面是小编为您收集整理的“你为什么离开上一份工作?”的面试技巧,欢迎阅读! 回答“你为什么离开上一份工作?”的技巧: 1. I learned a tr……
1. I learned a tremendous amount at that job but there was no additional learning for me to get there. I was interested in pursuing my love of [whatever you're looking to do in your next job] and that's why I contacted your company.
1. 我从上一份工作中获益良多,但是对于我来说继续停留在那一份工作已经没有任何学习的空间了。我对于从事(你对下一份工作的期待)非常感兴趣,这也是我向贵公司求职的.初衷。
2. I worked way too hard at my job to have time available to job-hunt alongside my work, so when I decided I needed a new challenge I left my job to focus on my job search full-time.
3. The direction of my last company shifted away from [the topic I'm most interested in] so it was the perfect time for me to leave.
3. 我的上一家公司的发展方向已经从(我最感兴趣的内容)转移到别的地方了,所以我也是时候离职了。
4. I left that job in the reorganization after their acquisition, and since then I've been focusing on learning more about organizations whose missions particularly speak to me, like yours.
4. 我离职的时期刚好是公司完成收购后的重组时期,然后我就一直关注各家公司机构的情况,尤其是那些特别吸引我的公司,比如贵公司。
5. I finished a huge project at my last job and was very proud of our team. I realized it was the perfect stopping point for me in that organization and a great time to try something new. That's when I learned about your firm.
5. 我完成了上一份工作的大项目,并且以我的团队为荣。然后我意识到那就是我在那家公司的终点了,也该尝试点新的东西了。然后我就了解到了贵公司。
6. I was in Inside Sales in that job and I loved it but I was ready to move into Outside Sales and the company didn't have any job openings, so I looked further afield.
6. 我之前就职于在Inside Sales,虽然我很喜欢这份工作,不过我当时已经准备转到Outside Sales工作,可是该公司没有任何职位空缺,所以我便往更远的地方寻找工作。
7. I was one of the first people hired into my last company and I was happy to help them grow. When they switched from a fast-growth mode to maintenance mode that was my cue to move on.
7. 我是上一家公司的开荒牛之一,能够参与公司发展的全过程使我感到非常荣幸。当公司从争取高速发展一直到上了轨道以后,我就知道我是时候离开了。
8. That was a great job until I realized that I need to get more involved in [dental-floss farming, e.g.] , started to look around and found your company.
8. 上一份工作很不错,直到后来我发现有必要多涉及与(比如,牙线行业)相关的职业,我就决定着手寻找新工作,然后就找到了贵公司。
9. They were making strategic changes in the company that will be very good for them but made my job much less interesting and challenging, so it was the perfect time for me to make a change.
9. 上一家公司在进行策略性调整,这对于公司来说是百利而无一害的,但是会使得我的工作趣味性和挑战性大大降低,所以对于我来说便是做出改变的最佳时期。
10. I wanted to find a work environment like the one you have here. I'd love to hear more about it!
10. 我想找一份工作环境如同贵公司一样的工作。我很乐意深入了解它!