商务英语考试中重点词汇的讲解 1.consideration n.考虑;报酬;补偿;对价 【商务英语】economic considerations 经济利益 general considerations 总则 pecuniary consideration 金钱报酬 consideration money 报偿奖金 【例句】The cost of consumption……
1.consideration n.考虑;报酬;补偿;对价
【商务英语】economic considerations 经济利益
general considerations 总则
pecuniary consideration 金钱报酬
consideration money 报偿奖金
【例句】The cost of consumption articles is the first consideration, as far as most ordinary people are concerned.
2.consignee n.受托者;收件人;代销人
【商务用语】customs consignee 海关委托人
named consignee 指定的收货人
3.consolidated adj.加固的;整理过的;统一的
【商务用语】consolidated annuities 统一公债
consolidated fund 公积金
consolidated returns 合并收益
consolidated trade catalog 商品总目录
4.consortium n.联盟;国际财团;联营企业
【商务用语】banking consortium 银行团;财团
container-consortium 集装箱联合企业
consortium of underwriters 证券承受财团
5.constitution n.宪法;章程;贯彻
【商务用语】economic constitution 经济法