商务英语词汇含例句解析 bankruptcy [ 5bANkrEp(t)si ] (n.) state of being bankrupt破产 [同义词] ?insolvency bar code (n.) a series of lines printed on a product that can be read by a machine connected to a computer system to give a price or refere……
bankruptcy [ 5bANkrEp(t)si ] (n.) state of being bankrupt破产
[同义词] ?insolvency
bar code (n.) a series of lines printed on a product that can be read by a machine connected to a computer system to give a price or reference number 条形码
[例]? The invent of bar code has greatly speeded up the economy of supermarkets
bargain [ 5bB:^in ]1. (v.) discuss in order to reach agreement on price conditions讨价还价
[同义词] ?haggle, negotiate
2. (n.) item at a good (cheap) price物美价廉的商品
[例]The cardigan is real a bargain for I just pay half of its previous price.
bargaining [ 5bB:^iniN ] (n.) discussing in order to reach agreement 讨价还价
[例]The buyer and seller finally agreed to the price level after 2 hours’ bargaining.
barrister [ 5bAristE ] (n.) a person who is qualified to speak in a higher court of law大律师
[例]He is a top barrister specializing in financing law.
[同义词]? lawyer ,solicitor, bar, counsel
b/e (abbr) bill of exchange 汇票
basic [ 5beisik ] (adj.) minimum that can be expected; what everything else depends on基本的
[例Older workers will, of course, still be interested in basic pay.
[同义词] ?fundamental, essential, elementary,
batch [ bAtF ] (n.) group of items made at same time一批
[例]This batch of goods will be delivered by UPS .