商务口语:如何向外商介绍你公司产品? 导语:产品是公司的灵魂,也是公司的收益代表。因此如何向客户介绍自家公司产品?要介绍产品的那些方面?如何用词?等等都是有讲究的。下面小编带大家看看,如何向客户介绍自家产品。 (1)最基本的`,要介绍产品的性能(performance)……
性能优秀:good adaptability
节能高效:fuel efficient
空间宽敞:roomy inside
密封良好:well sealed up
e.g. Reliable operation, no coal adhering and blockage. Good adaptability to various coal powder.
性能稳定可靠, 不结粘、 不堵粉,对煤粉适应性强。
e.g.The central body of the plane is made entirely of carbon composite material, which makes the plane lighter and more fuel efficient.
(2) 谈谈产品的市场(market share)
业内人士都知道:everyone on the line
深受欢迎:very popular abroad
供不应求:exceed supply
e.g.Everyone on the line knows that Chinese tea is good in quality and reasonable in prices.
e.g.Today, he said demand of flash memory chips will exceed supply in the second half.
P.S.有供不应求,随便也写一下供过于求的表达:supply exceeds demand
e.g.The ratio of products where supply exceeds demand is up and structural and lowlevel surplus took place.
(3)谈及产品的款色、颜色、规格等(style/color/ specifications)
又新潮又有品味:be in fashion and in good taste
精致、新颖、大方: well-tailored in workmanship, fresh and good in style
完美结合:perfect combination
色彩鲜艳:brightly colored
e.g.Designers are very forward thinking and buyers can be backward thinking. so themerchandiser must be the arbiter of good taste and fashion and keep the process moving in a positive direction.
e.g.An inexpensive and convenient recovery drink is chocolate milk, which is the perfect combination of carbs and protein.
e.g.Small, brightly colored toys hold the same appeal for pets as they do children.