如何掌握理解分析句子结构 新GRE逻辑阅读考试主要考察我们的'逻辑推断能力,做新GRE逻辑阅读时如何掌握理解分析句子结构?这使许多同学忐忑不安,下面是小编为大家搜索整理的有关新GRE逻辑阅读题的变化解析: 改革后的GRE到底新在何处,尤其是阅读部分,到底有怎样的新手……
改革后的GRE到底新在何处,尤其是阅读部分,到底有怎样的新手段,估计很多学生心中都有些忐忑。看完本文后,我相信很多人都会大为宽心,新GRE阅读其实没有变出什么新花样,只不过大量模仿了GMAT逻辑题的出题方式罢了。一言以蔽之:新GRE阅读 = 老GRE阅读 + GMAT逻辑。
In the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number of farmers continued to increase, but at a rate lower than that of the general population
Which of the following statements directly contradicts the information presented above?
The number of farmers in the general population increased slightly in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
The rate of growth of the United States labor force and the rate of growth of the general population rose simultaneously in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.