关于去图书馆的英语日记带翻译 今天天气晴空万里,非常暖和吃过午饭。妈妈下了班,带我一起去了图书馆看书。那里的书有很多很多,也很好看。我看了一本神话故事里的八仙过海和女娲补天这两种故事太精彩了,我非常喜欢看这本书。 It's sunny today. It's very warm for……
It's sunny today. It's very warm for lunch. My mother took me to the library to read books after class. There are many books there, and they are very good-looking. I read a mythological story of Eight Immortals crossing the sea and Nuwa mending the sky. These two stories are wonderful. I like reading this book very much.