perfidy考法以及近反义词解析 改革后的新gre考试词汇量的考察下降20%,希望考生不要被下降20%所迷惑,虽然对新gre考试词汇春意义的考察减少了,但是更加注重实际语言能力的`考察了,所以同学们绝对不能放松对词汇的学习,以下是小编为大家搜素的有关perfidy的考法及近义词……
1) a deliberate breaking of trust; faithlessness; treachery
2) the quality or state of being faithless or disloyal
3) an act or an instance of disloyalty
4) Deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust;
5) The act or an instance of treachery.
6) an act of disloyalty, treachery
perfidy ----- Deceitfulness; untrustworthiness
perfidy ---- intentional breach of faith
perfidy ----- deliberate breach of faith or trust, faithlessness, treachery
perfidy ----betrayal of a trust
traitor : perfidy
perfidy faithfulness, fealty
His scoring a touchdown for the opposing team was not an act of perfidy so much as a stupid mistake.
Synonyms: betrayal, duplicity, infidelity