朋友的去世使她感到十分悲伤。 She had been desolated by the death of her friend 我通过朋友的朋友听到这事的。 I heard about it through a friend of a friend. 他的一些朋友是那种放荡不羁又怪里怪气的人。 Some of his friends are pretty wild and wack……
She had been desolated by the death of her friend
我通过朋友的朋友听到这事的。 I heard about it through a friend of a friend.
他的一些朋友是那种放荡不羁又怪里怪气的人。 Some of his friends are pretty wild and wacky characters.
20多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。 We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。 We are still friends, though, which is good.