旅游英语:入关检查与观光问路相关英语口语 导语:出国旅游总需要常备一些实用英语,为了让自己不至于出国就成为哑巴。继续学习入关检查与游客询问相关英语句子。为了各位乘客的生命财产安全着想,入关时都会需要进行检查,一些入关检查相关英语用语,学会无碍通行。 ……
Your passportand declaration card, please 请出示你的护照和海关申报单
Can I see yourpassport, please Miss. 小姐,请出示您的护照。
Do you haveanything to declare? 你携带的东西有必须申报的吗?
No. I don't 没有
O.K. Please givethis declaration card to that officer at the exit. 好了! 请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员。
Please open thisbag 请打开这件行李
What are these? 这是什?东西?
Excuse me,(Pointing to the handbag) Would you open this bag, please?
These are for mypersonal use 这是我的个人用品
This is asouvenir that I'm taking to China这是我带会中国的纪念品
Do you have anyliquor or cigarettes? 你带有任何酒类或香烟吗?
The cameras arefor my personal use 这架照相机是我自用的
You`ll have to pay duty on this 这件物品你必须交纳关税
Will I have topay duty on this? 我必须为此纳税吗?
No.You don'thave to pay duty on personal belongings. 不,您的个人物品不必交税.
Where is thetourist information centre ? 请问旅游问讯处在哪里?
Is there anairport bus to the city ? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?
Where can I findthe airport bus? 请问我在哪里可以找到机场的巴士?。
Where is the busstop (taxi stand) ? 巴士车站在哪里 ?
Is there a taxistand nearby? 这附近有没有了租车停靠站?
How much does itcost to the city centre by taxi ? 乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?
How can I get toHilton hotel ? 去希尔顿酒店怎么走 ?
Can I reserve ahotel here ? 我可以在这里预订酒店吗 ?
May I have acity map ? 请给我一张市区地图?
Then, where am Ion this city map? 那么,我现在在市区图上的哪里?。
How much is it ?多少钱 ?
Keep the change,please 不用找钱了
Do you knowwhere this address is ? 你知道这地址在哪里吗?
Take me to thisaddress, please 请拉我去这个地址
How long does ittake to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间?
What time doesit leave ? 几点发车?
Could you tellme when we get there ? 请问几点能够到达那里。
Where can I geta ticket ? 在哪里卖票?
Tickets can bebought from the tourist information centre.票可以在旅游信息中心买到。
Stop here,please 请停下来。