考研英语写作重点 考研英语写作分成两部分:第一部分是应用文写作,包括书信、便笺、备忘录等,要求写100字左右;第二部分是短文写作,这部分字数要求跟以往不一样,以往要求写200多字,现在要求写160字到200字之间,考研英语便笺写作(Note Writing)重点。本文给大家讲讲……
考研英语写作分成两部分:第一部分是应用文写作,包括书信、便笺、备忘录等,要求写100字左右;第二部分是短文写作,这部分字数要求跟以往不一样,以往要求写200多字,现在要求写160字到200字之间,考研英语便笺写作(Note Writing)重点。本文给大家讲讲便笺写作(Note Writing)写作要点。 便笺写作(Note Writing)实际上与书信写作(Letter Writing)大致相似,但有三点主要不同:
1. 便笺较随便,因此语气通常更轻松,格式和语言都是如此。2. 通常便笺较短,应言简意赅,这意味着你必须略去冗余信息。3. 便笺写起来往往更具个性化,通常语言更接近口语,更直接。
一、样 题:
You are late for an appointment with a professor. You also have books that are due at the library in a few hours. Write a note to your roommate asking if she could return the books for you. In return for the favor, offer to buy her lunch.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Dear Jane,
I have a big favor to ask you. I am late for my appointment with Professor Jones, and need to go directly to his office. I also have two books that are due back at the library this evening. As I will not be able to get to the library before it closes, I was wondering if you would possibly have the time to return the books for me.
I realize this is a big favor to ask of you, as you are also very busy. In return for help, I would like to buy you lunch tomorrow. Thanks in advance!
我要请你帮个大忙,考研英语《考研英语便笺写作(Note Writing)重点》。我与琼斯教授有个约会,现在已经晚了,我得直接去他的办公室。可我还有两本书要还图书馆,今晚就到期了。我可能在图书馆关门之前赶不到那里,所以我想知道你能否有时间帮我还。 牐
Your roommate has been very busy and has neglected to clean his part of the dormitory in an appropriate length of time. Write a note asking him to rectify the situation.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
An acquaintance of yours is selling textbooks that you require for a course you are taking next semester. Write him a note enquiring about the books' conditions and prices.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.