
标签: 英语课件 初一



冀教版初一英语课件  自由学习是课件的一大特色,学员任何时候都清楚地知道自己所处位置和进度,控制自己的学习进程。下面小编为大家带来冀教版初一英语课件,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。  冀教版初一英语课件  教学设计:  [教学目标]:  A:语言目标: 引导学生……






  A:语言目标: 引导学生学会讨论日期。

  B:技能目标: 学会日常交际用语,谈论日期等,会询问或回答生日,年龄。





  4. 游戏



  Unit 7 lesson51 When is your birthday?


  1. 录音机,挂历,卡片

  2. 提前问清楚学生的生日,以及上课那天过生日的同学


  Step One : Greetings and warm up

  ( The teacher comes into the classroom with a calendar which is turning to December 5th )

  1.T: Let’s sing the Good morning song. ( Sing the song together)

  2.T: Revise the numbers from 1 to 31 by counting the students i n class. Ask the students to count the students together。


  Step Two : Presentation

  1. Show them the calendar, and ask “ What’s the date today?” and help the student answer “ It’s December 5th.” By looking at the calendar. Tell them the more dates with the calendar.

  2. Ask a boy “ When is your birthday ?” and help him with Chinese . He can speak the date in Chinese .Then let him repeat in English.

  3. Notice the dates , and write the question and the answer on the blackboard .

  4. Teach the dates’ words and write them on the blackboard like : January 1st February 2nd March 3rd …..

  And let them to repeat the words.


  Step Three : Task 1 Pairwork

  1. T: Today is Lin’s birthday. Let’s sing the song 《 Happy birthday to you 》

  2. Make a converstion : A: When is your birthday?

  B: It’s June 12th .

  3. Let them work in pairs for 3 minutes and fill in the chart.



  Step Four : Act

  1.Call several pairs to act out their conversations in class ,other students listen carefully and answer the question: When is her/ his birthday ?

  2.Report . Using the results they got and give a report.

  For example : Wang Fang’s birthday is on ……

  3.Call some students to report in class and give them claps when they finish their work.

  Step Five:Listening task

  1. Listen to the tape and and answer some questions according to the text

  2. Listen again and check the answers in class. Then repeat after the tape.

  3. Work in pairs to act the dialogue :

  A: When is Danny’s birthday?

  B: It’s October 10th.


  4. In class ,call some students to give a report about the three students who they talked about just now.


  Homework : 1. Ask four students for their birthday and then write

  a report.

  2 .Ask your parents’ birthday or the other family

  Member’s birthday and write a report.

  教学反思 :


  1.学生通过数数来复习1到31 的基数词,这一活动简单易行,让学生在实际操作中运用,体验所学的语言知识,并为学习日期的说法起到了很好的引导作用。体现了在用中学的思想。通过这样的活动,摆脱了机械的读,写,学生非常乐意去学习,有效的培养了学生的学习兴趣。


  3. 学生在初步掌握了 When is your birthday ? 句型之后,小组练习互相询问生日,不仅在任务中巩固语言并且增进了同学之间的情感,培养了学生团结,合作的品质和合作,探究的精神以及用所学语言解决实际问题的能力。此外,课外作业的布置也有效的巩固了所学语言知识,学生的知识得到了有益的延伸。