
标签: 英语 教案 实践 理论



教学理论与实践英语教案   篇一:英语课堂教学理论与实践  教案填写说明  教案按每一大节课进行编写,其进度应与授课计划相同。教案可以是打印稿也可以是手写稿。有关部分填写要求如下:  1、课程类别(封面):包括公共课、学科基础课、专业基础课、专业方向课、实践……













  Teaching Notes

  —— A Brief Introduction to Translation翻译概论






  1. 翻译的定义


  The Definition of The Oxford English Dictionary: To turn from one language into another.

  The Definition of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language: To turn into one’s own or another language.

  Eugene A. Nida:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.



  2. 翻译的分类

  按语言分类:语内翻译(Intralingual Translation);语际翻译(Interlingual Translation)。 按活动形式分类:笔译(Translation);口译(Oral Interpretation):连续传译(Consecutive Translation)和同声传译(Simultaneous Translation)。






  Translation:In The Quiet Night

  By Li Bai

  So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed—

  Could there have been a frost already?

  Lifting myself to look, I found that it was Moonlight.

  Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.


  3. 翻译的标准

  中国传统翻译理论:严复:信达雅《天演论·译例言》(1898);傅雷:“神似” 说:“以效果而论,翻译应该象临画一样,所求不在形似而在神似。”(《高老头》重译本序)。钱钟书“化境”:文学的最高标准是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于化境了。十七世纪有人赞美这种造诣的翻译,比为原作的投胎转世,躯壳换了一个,而精神姿致依然故我。


  l. George Campbell: The first thing is to give a just representation of the sense of the original. The second thing is, to convey into his version, as much as possible, in a consistency with the genius of the language which he writes, the author’s spirit and manner. The third and last thing is, to take care, the version have at least, so far the quality of an original performance, as to appear natural and easy?.

  2 Alexander F. Tytler:That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. That the Translation should have all the ease of original composition. (A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation 1790 )


  (1)扎实的英语基础;(2) 扎实的汉语基础;(3) 广阔的知识面(to know something of

  everything and everything of something)杂家;(4) 高效迅捷查阅资料和文献检索的能力;(5) 合理的翻译策略;(6)认真负责的学风;(7) 充沛的体力和脑力。

  4. 课堂翻译练习:

  (1) One can never see too many summer suises on the Mississippi River.

  (2) He has been wedded to translation.

  (3) The secretary and accountant of the company was present.

  (4) Byron's father, by is first marriage, had a daughter, Augusta, Byron's half-sister.

  (5) The old man said, "They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are."

  (6) We would like to build a color-blind society where all man can have equal opportunity.



  “英语教学理论与实践” 是面向英语专业高年级学生开设的一门个性发展课程。是一门多边缘的、发展中的、理论与实践相结合的理论学科,课程在回顾外语教学历史、研究语言和学习规律、介绍先进教学理论的同时,要求学生通过语音、语法、词汇、听力、口语、阅读、写作、等课堂教学的实践,掌握教学理论,灵活运用教学理论。因此,本课程具有知识介绍和理论实践两大特点,既注重知识的传授,又注意教学能力的培养。




  该课程要求学生必须在上课前做好充分的预习工作。在课前预习时应该做到以下几点: 预习教材,完成所有的tasks;

  阅读相关的辅助材料,如上海外语教育出版社和外研社都出版了成套的英语教学和研究类图书,另外很多国内的刊物,如“外语教学与研究”“外语界””国外外语教学”“中小学外语教学”等,国外的如TESOL Quarterly, ELT Journal, Forum等上面都有很多理论与理论应用性的研究,阅读这些书籍和刊物不仅可以扩充自己的知识,也可以学习一些研究方法;











  本课程系统讲授国内外外语教学及教育科学方面的新成就,并注意提供实际而具体的教学建议,为培养合格中学英语教师打下良好的英语教学理论基础。培养学生初步掌握的英语教学的方法和技巧。课程在回顾外语教学历史、研究语言和学习规律、介绍先进教学理论的同时,要求学生通过听力、口语、阅读、写作、语音、语法、词汇等课堂教学的实践,掌握教学理论,灵活运用教学理论。理论共分分四部分共15 个单元分别介绍了有关语言和语言学习的理论、教学法简史、教学法的主要流派、课程和课堂活动、在听力、口语、阅读、写作、语音、语法和词汇教学中介绍了教学应遵循的原则、可采用的教学模式和策略。通过该课程的学习,学习者应该能够了解最基本的教学理论,为其自身的发展打下应有的理论基础。

  Unit 1 Language and Learning

  1. Teaching Aims:

  In this unit we will discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning, qualities of a good language teacher.

  2. Teaching Focus

  We are going to discuss five questions in particular:

  1) How do we learn language?

  2) Views on language

  3) Views on language learning

  4) What is good language teacher?

  5) How can one become a good language teacher?

  6) An overview of the book

  Questions :

  1、What are the common views on language?

  2、What are the common views on language learning?

  Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities

  1. Teaching Aims:

  In this unit we will discuss discuss one of the most important trends in second/ foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is the practice of communicative language teaching

  2. Teaching Focus

  We are going to discuss five questions in particular:

  1) Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogy

  2) Fostering communication competence

  3) The implementation of language skills

  4) Communicative activities

  5) Conclusion:How do we learn language?

  Questions :

  What is communicative competence?

  What is Task-based language Teaching?

  Are there limitations of CLT and TBLT?

  Unit 3 The National English Curriculum

  1. Teaching Aims:

  In this unit we will discuss discuss the historyas well as the development of the National English Curriculum in China.

  2. Teaching Focus

  We are going to discuss five questions in particular:

  1) a brief history of foreign language teachig in China

  2) Designing principles for the National English Curriculum

  3) Goals and objectives of English Language Teaching

  4)Design of the National English Curriculum

  5) performance standards for different levels of competence

  Questions :

  1.What are the designing principle for the National English Curriculum 2001?

  2.what are the standards for different levels of competence?

  3.What are the challenges facing English language teachers?

  Unit 4 Lesson Planning

  1. Teaching Aims:

  To look at one of the most important components of language teachers’ work, lesson planning. I have arranged to introduce this topic prior to other units so that users of the book can use what is covered in this unit as a guide when they write mini-lesson plans for other units.

  2. Teaching Focus

  We are going to discuss five questions in particular:

  1) Why is lesson planning necessary?

  2) Principles for good lesson planning

  3) Macro planning vs. micro planning

  4) Components of a lesson plan

  5) Sample lesson plans

  6) Conclusion


  1.What are the principles for good lesson planning?

  2.What are macro planning and micro planning?

  3.What are the component of a lesson plan?

  Unit 5 Classroom Management

  1. Teaching Aims:

  To discuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently.

  2. Teaching Focus

  1) The role of the teacher

  2) Student grouping

  3) Discipline in the language classroom


  What roles do teacheres play in the classroom?

  How to maintain discipline in the classroom?

  How to treat students’ errors in the classroom?

  Unite 6 Teaching Pronunciation

  1. Teaching Aims:

  To discuss how to teach pronunciation.

  2. Teaching Focus

  1) The role of pronunciation

  2) The goal of teaching pronunciation

  3) Aspects of pronunciation

  4) Practicing sounds

  5) Practicing stress and intonation

  6) Conclusion


  What role does pronunciation play in language learning?

  What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?

  How can teachers help the students to improve pronunciation?

  Unit 7 Teaching Grammar

  1. Teaching Aims:

  To discuss how to teach grammar. Although grammar is usually integrated with the teaching of other language components, we still consider it necessary to introduce ways to “focus on form”.

  2. Teaching Focus

  1 The role of grammar in ELT

  2 Grammar presentation methods

  3 Grammar practice

  4 Conclusion


  What is the role of grammar in language learning?

  What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?

  What are the major types of grammar practice activities?

  Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary

  1. Teaching Aims:

  To discuss how to teach vocabulary. Although vocabulary is usually integrated with the teaching of reading, we still consider it necessary to introduce ways to learn and consolidate vocabulary.

  2. Teaching Focus

  1) Vocabulary and vocabulary building

  2) Presenting new words

  3) Consolidating vocabulary

  4) Developing vocabulary building strategies

  5) Conclusion


  How can we present new vocabulary items?

  What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?

  How do we help students develop vocabulary learning strategies?

  Unit 9 Teaching Listening

  1. Teaching Aims:

  In this unit we are going to discuss how to teach listening.

  2. Teaching Focus

  1) Why does listening seem so difficult?

  2) What do we listening to in everyday life

  3) Characteristics of the listening process

  4) Principles for teaching listening

  5) Pre-listening activities

  6) While-listening activities

  7) Post-listening activities

  8) Conclusion


  Why does listening seem so difficult for students?

  What are the characteristics of the listening process?

  What are the common activities in teaching listening?

  Unit 10 Teaching speaking

  1.Teaching Aims:

  To discuss how to teach speaking. From the characteristics of spoken language I will introduce types of speaking tasks and the ways to improve students’ speaking ability

  2.Teaching content:

  1) What are the characteristics of spoken language?

  2) Designing speaking tasks

  3) Using group work in speaking tasks

  4) Types of speaking tasks

  5) Conclusion


  What are the principles for teaching speaking?

  How can we design speaking activities?

  How to organize speaking activities?

  Unit 11 Teaching Reading

  Teaching Aims: :

  1.To discuss how to teach reading. Analyze some skills involved in reading comprehension and principles and models for teaching reading. Introduce some reading activities

  2.Teaching focus

  1) How do we read?

  2) What do we read?

  3) Skills involved in reading comprehension

  4) Principles and models for teaching reading

  5) Pre-reading activities

  6) While-reading activities