I Love Summer优秀季节作文 导语:夏天午后的天空,蓝天那样的清澈,云朵正在静静的飘逸,我相信,总有一条路,是留于我们身后的,只要一转身,便能找得到;下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的相关英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! It is true that summer is hot, very hot……
I Love Summer优秀季节作文
It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but I'm free, I'm happy, I'm really living! Oh, how I love summer!