
标签: 读后感 英语 呼啸



2016呼啸山庄英语读后感「范文」   导语:呼啸山庄是一个有趣的课外名著,他给我们讲诉了:爱起来不顾一切,恨起来不计后果。这一切的一切在我们这些长期受到传统礼仪的约束的人们看来就显得非常特别,非常有新鲜感。下面是小编为大家整理的:我美丽的雪景英语作文。希望对……




  Wuthering heights, the only film has a permanent artistic charm of glorious work. It is a completely different from the popular at that time, he did not pass of the influence of the city and disseminated, is entirely in shan wasteland of the only film has not been drawn by natural coordination of the dust of time annihilation's masterpiece.

  I took me a week more time reading wuthering heights. Closed the book, can not help but marvel at the good mountain, almost never contact with the outside world unmarried woman how can write such deep of love, hate such a profound novel? This whole life living in the world of the unfortunate, lonely and desolate, no laughter, no friend of woman, how can write such a rich originality and advance the great work? In fact, no matter how, no matter what the extremely rich connotation writing because, already can let us understand to a lot of the true meaning of life!

  What's "wuthering heights" by becoming a masterpiece? Firstly they are influenced by the popular in the city and control, completely describes a original picture of mountain wilderness. Enable people to enjoy a totally different world. Retains the original character of the book: desperate love, hate up regardless of the consequences. Everything in our these the restraint of traditional etiquette for a long time people it seems it is very special, very fresh. Someone said "wuthering heights" is the "love the most magnificent epic" want me to say thanks to Emily? Bronte extremely rich imagination; Very strong passion; Very deep inner experience the sublimation of subject with her talent and ability. I think this is why wuthering heights can be so popular.

  When I finish the profound connotation and essence of the book, I find that in "wuthering heights" I learned a lot of, the other I feel most is that it has taught me to keep human dignity and freedom of mind. No matter how severe challenge we face or how cruel test, we should all aspire to freedom.

  This is my feeling after reading wuthering heights.








  In the book he son linton, I really don't know how he is such a child? Why is extremely selfish, hypocrisy, and have been is the most precious human sympathy, no treat anyone's words and deeds just for the sake of his disguise, including his cousin, the once liked his cousin as blindly use tools. He and his mother princess from thrushcross grange alone more than ten years, which he is the one form this character? I really hard to understand, not because I don't like this kind of character, but I don't understand the child thought and character formation process, I only feel the characters a bit is not natural enough. And Catherine is different, the feeling is more real, inherited her mother's pride, strong and willful, and her father's vulnerability, benevolence, will no longer sometimes brutal as her mother. After the death of her father, Edgar, Catherine in what he met in the crowd, but linton is her most intimate person. Even be compelled, she agreed to marry the cousin, she had no choice. Although a concentric nelly, with her but she's just a maid, not to rely on to her, actually she also dreamed of, linton can magically, and she stood a line. Catherine if really so, I want to smile, even if they don't inherit her father's property was also her father-in-law he oppression, she would feel satisfied, for a woman of goodness of heart, happiness of love important than money. This and is very different from her mother, her mother thought there is a kind of vanity, and often take the initiative to attack, eventually to fans make oneself; And little kelly can suffer silently, and it doesn't mean she can't resist, only when not to.

