
标签: 读后感 英语 海盗 胡子



海盗黑胡子英语读后感范文   导语:他留着一丛浓密的黑胡子,本是大海盗戈特船长的手下,后来脱离了戈特自立门户,1715年他指挥着有40门火炮的复仇女王号出海时就找上了普通海盗不敢惹的英国皇家海军。那达达尼昂式的帽子下面还插上两根点燃的导火线,冒着黑烟在他两边的耳……



  Edward vidic is piracy is already out in the government is trying to clamp down on but when the first pirates. The time of queen Anne when he was on a ship privateer sea. He had a dense cluster of black beard, this is the sea steal Mrs. Captain, then out of Mrs. Housekeep, in 1715 he directed the 40 cannon queen "revenge", when they find the ordinary pirates cant mess with the British royal navy. His crazy let his name in the post-war everyone knows the name "black beard emperor", and the Atlantic coast into "even the royal navy could not ensure security" of terror.

  With deep, full of wild eyes and a face of thick and individuality extremely big beard. The beard is very make public, sometimes have to use tape into many straggling dreadlocks in all directions. He the one-eyed, one leg a log, all the year round to wear boots. He has a lot of energy, good appetite, drunk all day day, radiate acrid smelly sweat and the smell of gunpowder, taste, make everyone want to talk to him to take a step back involuntarily. His broad shoulders shoulders always covered with wear, wear fixed full clip and three planted in the holster pistols. More unique is, in a good mood, also always falls on his shoulders a leisurely parrot. The most distinctive feature, it is every time before the implementation of looting, his da dani hat of aung below also with two lighted the fuse, took the black smoke in his ears on both sides of the empress, and make everyone saw him as if faced with a powder keg to explode at any time, this is the infamous great pirate "black beard".

  爱德华·蒂奇 是海盗行为在政府试图取缔但是已经是不可收拾的时候的第一海盗。安妮女王时代他曾在一艘武装民船当水手。他留着一丛浓密的黑胡子,本是大海盗戈特船长的手下,后来脱离了戈特自立门户,1715年他指挥着有40门火炮的“复仇女王”号出海时就找上了普通海盗不敢惹的英国皇家海军。他的疯狂让他的名字在此一战后人人都知道了“黑胡子帝奇”的名字,而整个大西洋沿岸陷入“连皇家海军都无法确保安全”的恐怖之中。

  他长着一双深陷的、充满野性的眼睛,一脸浓密而又极具个性的大络腮胡子。胡子非常张扬,有时不得不用带子扎成很多朝各个方向乱窜的小辫儿。他独眼、一条腿由一根木头代替,一年四季穿鹿皮靴。他精力充沛、食欲极佳,整天酒气熏天,浑身散发着刺鼻的臭汗和火药的怪味,味道之大,使每个想和他说话的人都不由自主地后退一步。他宽阔的肩膀上总是双肩披着佩带,佩带上固定着满满的子弹夹和三把插在皮套中的手枪。更绝的是,心情好时,他的肩膀上还总是落着一只悠闲的鹦鹉。而最为鲜明的特征,是每次在实施抢掠前,他 那达达尼昂式的帽子下面还插上两根点燃的导火线,冒着黑烟在他两边的耳朵上翘翘着,使每个人看到他时都好像面对着一个随时要爆炸的火药桶,这就是臭名昭著的大海盗“黑胡子”。