
标签: 科比 高中英语 演讲稿 球星



高中英语关于NBA球星科比的演讲稿   一、演讲稿:  Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow……



  Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player. He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father. When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit. He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this. Kobe didn't let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year. He wouldn't immediately be a superstar, though. Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe's talents. Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level. He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn't disappoint anyone. He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school. He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points. Kobe's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft.


  当科比布莱恩特第一次在高中篮球场上打球时,他的才华便掌控了比赛以致高中学校和宾夕法尼亚州地区都关注他的成长。拥有六尺身高的他在七年级时便有很高的篮球智商,因为他的父亲是前NBA运动员 乔-布莱恩特。科比提高他的篮球技能在他父亲的关心下,他父亲希望他成为职业篮球运动员。科比日常打比赛,看录像,在操场上训练和听他父亲的教诲。 当他进入宾夕法尼亚州的Lower Marion高中时(此高中为科比的母校),科比受到高度的追捧。他证实他有能力并且努力训练为了在下一年成为明星,那时球探开始注意他,科比也没有让任何人失望当他在大学一年级时进入篮球队尽管他没有立刻成为一个超级巨星,而这正是因为他每天早上在体育馆训练的结果提高了他的才能。 在Lower Marion高中时科比每年都变得更好,很快他成为最好的篮球运动员之一在他的学校,在他初中和高中的比赛中几乎每场比赛的门票都销售完,而且他也没有让任何人失望,曾经在学校篮球馆的比赛还导致了主要道路的交通阻塞。 他以宾夕法尼亚州最高总学分--2883分完成了他高中的学业。科比华丽的高中生涯使他在1996年的NBA选秀上以第十三顺位被夏洛特黄蜂选中。