翻译资格考试China Daily常用词汇鉴赏

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翻译资格考试China Daily常用词汇鉴赏  换届选举 election at expiration of office terms  环境绿化 environmental greening  环境污染 environmental pollution  环境效益 environmental benefits  环幕电影 circular-screen movie  环绕立体声 surround  换……

翻译资格考试China Daily常用词汇鉴赏

  换届选举 election at expiration of office terms

  环境绿化 environmental greening

  环境污染 environmental pollution

  环境效益 environmental benefits

  环幕电影 circular-screen movie

  环绕立体声 surround

  换手率 turnover rate

  还俗 resume secular life, unfrock

  环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim

  换休 change the day off

  环保型汽车 environment-friendly car; eco-friendly car

  环保专项治理 special projects to address serious environmental problems

  换乘站 transfer stop; transfer station

  黄、赌、毒 pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking

  黄昏恋 twilight romance; romance of the elderly

  皇家警察部队 Royal Ulster Constabulary

  黄金时段 prime time

  皇粮 public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state

  黄箱措施 Amber Box measures

  黄段子 dirty joke

  黄金线路 hot travel route

  黄牛票 scalped ticket

  黄土高原 Loess Plateau

  环太平洋 Pacific Rim