
标签: 儿童教育 英语 演讲稿



儿童教育的英语演讲稿   Hello everyone. Today I will talk about education. Children's education. Everyone has experienced during childhood or become parents. so today you will feeling of my word perhaps. I will more want to talk about Chinese childre……


  Hello everyone. Today I will talk about education. Children's education. Everyone has experienced during childhood or become parents. so today you will feeling of my word perhaps. I will more want to talk about Chinese children’s education. This is only my private opinion.

  Children under Chinese education is pitiable. They are living in a spoiled world .Most of parents allow their children to do everything they want to do whether it's accurate or not ,or buy children whatever they desire. Even children do the wrong thing there is no education.


  For example: some parents condone children in urine anywhere. Parents should tell their children where the toilet, rather than the children do the way they like. As I have seen parents allow their children to pass water on the floor at home .Parents just do services instead of giving correct guidance to children.

  比如说:有些家长纵容孩子随地大小便,父母不告诉他们应该在哪上厕所,而是孩子想怎样就怎样,我就见过家人允许自己的孩子在家里的地上随意的大小便,他们只是对孩子做服务工作而不是引导。  I wonder that under such education,whether the parents think about how children will be like in the future. Although parents offer children the best living conditions and material base, but they don`t foster children how to think independently, or do correct judgment. I really want to know do these parents also got such education when they were young.



  We often see some youth made foolish or illegal activities in the media. I believe that they were not born with these activities. Of course ,there are social reasons ,but more or main impact is the bad education from parents.


  In Chinese families, I have seen a lot of this phenomenon, when a child who just fell down on the ground, just stand instability, and without any injuries ,the whole people of family put down everything, rushed to the baby and hold baby up ,and ask baby ached or not, or rub legs and arms, or give toys to make baby happy. I would like to know, if you fell down then get such a good treatment, will you climb upWhy the  creativity, independence of children is so badPerhaps the reason is, children can get whatever they want, parents will instead of children to do all things. 在中国家庭中,我看到过很多这样的现象,当一个刚学会走路不久的小孩不小心摔倒的.时候,孩子并没有受任何伤,只是站的不稳,孩子刚倒在地下,全家人放下手中的一切冲过去把孩子抱起来,一边心疼的问着疼不疼,一边帮忙揉胳膊揉腿,还有给孩子玩具让孩子高兴的,我想问一下,如果你们不小心摔一跤能够有这么好的待遇,那你们以后摔倒了还愿意自己爬起来吗?为什么我们孩子的创造性、独立性那么差?也许这就是原因,因为他们想要的都可以得到,本来是他们自己要做的事情都已经有人替他们做好了。

  I love my country, I hope next generation will be better. I also believe all the parents love their children. However the responsibility of parents is not just love their children, I think the most important things are education and guidance. Family education is very important to decide

  what kind of person will children be in the future .I want to say to parents, please think about what you have done to children today, decide how they will be in the futureDo you want to ruin his/her life


  There is a movie gave me emotionally, called "The Road", which I thought of my father, and also thought of my children in future. I hope I can be like the boy in the movie, when his father left he became a strong man .I also want to be like the father in "The Road", can telling to my kids "keep the fire, the fire inside you".

  有一部电影曾让我深有感触,叫做《the road》,它我想到了我的父亲,同时也想到了我未来的孩子,我希望我可以向电影中的孩子一样,当父亲离开的时候一个人坚强的走下去,也可以向那个父亲一样,告诉我的孩子“keep the fire,the fire inside you”