
标签: 短文 英语四级



大学英语四级短文翻译练习   一直以来,稼轩词独特的艺术风格倍受诗人、评论家的关注,论稼轩词的主体风格 - 毕业论文。辛弃疾1生在艺术创作的道路上不断地探索和开拓,创作了6百多首风格独具的词,经苏轼开创的豪放词派之后成为宋代词坛的中流砥柱。辛弃疾把自己的思想、感……


  一直以来,稼轩词独特的艺术风格倍受诗人、评论家的关注,论稼轩词的主体风格 - 毕业论文。辛弃疾1生在艺术创作的道路上不断地探索和开拓,创作了6百多首风格独具的词,经苏轼开创的豪放词派之后成为宋代词坛的中流砥柱。辛弃疾把自己的思想、感情、气质、素养及体悟生活的广度与深度,都熔进了词作,总汇起来构成自己的艺术风格。特殊的时代环境和个人生活经历使得稼轩词迸发出1种英雄无用武之地的抑郁不平之气,遂造成了沉郁顿挫、摧刚为柔的词风,而与豪放无缘。从抗金志士到词坛健将,辛弃疾能够随着生活的.变化和情感的变化转变自己的笔调,追求风格多样化的统1。他所开创的词风、词体极大地提高了词的表现力,开拓了词的境界,使词获得了永久的艺术魅力和辉煌的成就。

  Poets and critics always pay attention to the unique style of Jia Xuan Ci.Xin Qi-ji composes his art with explore and develop. He writes six hundred lyrics of the Song Period with special style. The uninhibited faction by Su Shi created becomes the most important position in Song Dynasty. Xin Qi-ji puts his mind, emotion, disposition, attainment and feeling of life into the lyrics of the Song Period. All those together are his style. Jia Xuan Ci express a depressed and dissatisfied atmosphere of heroes without battlefield by special times and his life. This style is created with syncopated cadence. His lyrics of the Song Period never show uninhibited. From a soldier who resists Jin country to a great poet, Xin Qi-ji can change his style of compose with life and emotion. He finds the unity of various styles. He initiates composition the style of lyrics of the Song Period. It rises the expression of lyrics of the Song Period and develops the meaning of lyrics of the Song Period. The lyrics of the Song Period get lasting artistic charm and glorious success.