大学四级英语翻译训练题附译文 改革后的大学英语四级增加了翻译部分的比重和难度,为了帮助训练各位考生的翻译技巧,下面小编为大家带来大学四级英语翻译训练题,供考生翻译练习。 大学四级英语翻译训练题(一) 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 黄金周(the Golden We……
黄金周(the Golden Week)是指为期七天的假期。许多人远离家庭在外工作,他们利用这一假期回家。这就导致人群的'大规模流动。在黄金周里,有超过1亿的人乘坐火车、汽车和飞机,经常导致交通混乱。虽然香港和澳门不庆祝黄金周假期,但这两座城市里都遍布着内地游客,他们推高了酒店的价格,塞满了机场,使香港迪士尼乐园里的长队蜿蜓数英里。
The Golden Week is a holiday lasting for seven days.Working far away from their family,many people use the holiday as an opportunity to travel home.This leads to a mass movement of people.Over 100 million people take trains,buses and airplanes in the Golden Week,often resulting in transport chaos.While Hong Kong and Macau don't celebrate Golden Week holidays,both cities are stuffed with visitors from the mainland,pushing up the prices of hotels,filling the airport and making queues at Hong Kong Disneyland snake for miles.
1.黄金周是指为期七天的假期:“为期七天”可译为last for seven days。
2.这就导致人群的大规模流动:“导致”可译为lead to。下文“导致交通混乱”的“导致”为避免重复,可译为result in。
3.在黄金周里,有超过1亿的人乘坐火车、汽车和飞机,经常导致交通混乱:“乘坐火车、汽车和飞机”可译为take trains,buses and airplanes。“交通混乱”可译为transport chaos,chaos意为混沌,混乱。
4.他们推高了酒店的价格,塞满了机场,使香港迪士尼乐园里的长队蜿蜓数英里:“推高了…价格”可译为push up the prices of。
城镇化(urbanization)导致了巨大的住房需求。出口导向型经济(export-oriented economy)吸引了大量劳动力从农村来到城市。高等教育的迅速扩张也通过提供教育机会致使大量知识分子涌人城市。社会资源分布不均使得只有少数城市成为人口迁移的理想目的地,这就进一步加大了一些大城市的住房需求。人们对未来的不确定使他们将房产当作他们养老金的“最后一根稻草”。传统的观念植根于中国文化。人们认为拥有房产是长期居住的先决条件。
Urbanization leads to the huge demand for housing.The export-oriented economy attracts a large amount of labor force from rural to urban areas.The fast expansion of higher education also leads to the large inflow of intellectuals to cities by offering education opportunities.The uneven distribution of social resources makes only a few cities the ideal destinations for population migration, which has further increased the demand for housing in some of metropolises.People's uncertainty about the future makes them regard the real estate as the“last straw”for their pension.The traditional concept is rooted in Chinese culture.People regard the ownership of the real estate to be the prerequisite for long term inhabitation.
1.出口导向型经济吸引了大量劳动力从农村来到城市:“出口导向型经济”可用the export-oriented economy表示,oriented是“以…为导向”的意思。“从农村来到城市”可译为from rural to urban areas,from...to...意为“从…到…”。“劳动力”可译为labor force。
2.人们对未来的不确定使他们将房产当作他们养老金的“最后一根稻草”:“房产”可译为the real estate。“将…当作…”可译为regard…as…。
3.传统的观念植根于中国文化:“植根于”可译为be rooted in, root在这里是动词,意为“生根”。“植根于”还可以翻译为take root in。