大雾英语日记 忙碌而又充实的一天又过去了,我们一定有不少所感触的事情吧,是时候用心地写一篇日记了。那么日记有什么格式呢?以下是小编精心整理的大雾英语日记,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 今天大清早,我刚醒来,就看见外面起了大雾,我使劲的看远处,可只看见一两……
This morning, I just woke up to see the fog outside. I looked hard at the distance, but I could only see one or two nearby trees, and I could not see the rest at all.
I was sitting in my father's car, I couldn't see anything on the road. Suddenly, a car came. Dad turned the steering wheel a few times, and passed the pass. In a twinkling of an eye, a car suddenly came out. Dad nervously stepped on the brake, but it was OK.
At school, the teacher said, "the fog outside is poisonous. You must not go out, or you will hurt your body." After the second class, the fog dissipated and the sun shone. They couldn't help but go out and play, but the teacher said kindly, "no, because the fog hasn't really gone away yet. Wait a moment." So each student quietly wrote in the classroom.
What a heavy fog! All of us can't go out to play.