词语辨析之little与small 词语是词和短语的合称,包括词(含单词、合成词)和词组(又称短语),组成语句文章的最小组词结构形式单元。下面是小编整理的词语辨析之little与small,欢迎阅览。 little,small 这一对形容词是同义词,但修辞意味有所不同。 Little 往……
Little 往往带有感情色彩,有指小和可爱的意味,它的对义词是great或big。
a little house 含义是小巧玲珑的房子
a small house 含义是面积或容量不大的`房子
a little girl 含义是可爱的或可怜的小女孩
a small girl 含义是年龄或身材不大的女孩
a little town 含义是可爱的小镇
a small town 含义是面积不大或人口不多的小镇
little money 是没有多少钱
small money 是面额小的钱币
He has no small chance of success.
He has not the smallest chance of success.
一百多年前,有些英美作家用littler,littlest作为little的比较级和最高级,如 the littlest child;the littler house。这种英语在现代英语中已看不到了。
"Will you help me plant the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen.
"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.
"Then I will plant it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
"Will you help me cut the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen.
"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.
"Then I will cut it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
"Will you help me make the flour?" asked Little Red Hen.
"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.
"Then I will make it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
"Will you help me make the bread?" asked Little Red Hen.
"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.
"Then I will make it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
"Will you help me eat the bread?" asked Little Red Hen.
"Yes," said the rat, the cat and the dog.
"No, " said Little Red Hen." I will eat it all by myself."
And she did!