厨师职位英文简历模板 时光飞逝,时间在慢慢推演,新一轮的`招聘又朝我们走来,是时候抽出时间写简历了哦。简历怎么写才能具有特色?以下是小编精心整理的厨师职位英文简历模板,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 xxx No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job D……
No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070
(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxx
Food preparation generalist with one year of experience and special skills in coordinating multi-course dining in high end establishments.
Learns new recipes quickly with a keen eye for detail on presentation and plating.
Exposure to a wide variety of cuisines to include French, Italian, and American.
Thrives is fast paced environments where special care is given to meeting specific customer needs.
The MGM Grand Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
Summer, 20xx
Assisted cooks in the preparation of green salads, fruit salads and pasta salads. Became proficient at chopping and slicing and completed tasks ahead of schedule.
Plated and distributed completed dishes to waiters and helped improve the accuracy of filled orders by changing the procedure of sharing tickets.
Took inventory and placed orders. Created a spreadsheet that helped project needs for each day of the week and month, leading to a decrease in storage needs.
Food Preparation Worker
Ed's Pub
Orlando, FL
12/20xx - 5/20xx
A 220 seat pub in the center of downtown Orlando primarily servicing the tourist trade
Prepared and cooked a wide variety of pub dishes involving pan and deep frying. Became the key person for helping to organize servings for groups of ten or more.
Took responsibility for end-of-day cleanups of the prep area. The restaurant sanitary rating improved by .2 partly due to these efforts, and received a $200 bonus from the owner.
Reduced tableware complaints for cleanliness by suggesting that the server take responsibility for inspection and wrapping rather than the wash staff.
Chuck E. Cheese
St. Cloud, FL
1/20xx - 12/20xx
Took orders for food and drinks and assisted patrons in seating and serving children. Worked to help parents and children have a good time while enjoying their food.
Helped keep the eating area clean and tidy. Cleaned up after patrons left and never got a complaint for service or cleanliness.
Florida Culinary Academy
Orlando, FL
Diploma of college in Occupational Studies, Culinary Arts
anticipated graduation, September, 20xx
Certified Food Handler
State of Florida
Banquet Kitchen
Art of Dining
Baking and Pastry
Culinary Skills
Event Planning and Production
Advanced Cooking
Italian Cuisine
Menu Development
Sanitation and Safety
Dean's List, 5 semesters
Employee of the Month Award, Chucky Cheese, October 20xx
Voted "Best Extern", MGM Grand Hotel for Summer 20xx