
标签: 春雨 拟人 沙沙



关于“春雨沙沙的下着”改成拟人句   1 spring rain rushed into the embrace of the earth, singing every year to sing the song: the rustle, sand...... The joy of singing in heaven and earth.  2 . 春雨沙沙地唱起了欢快的歌。  2 spring rain sand sandy land……


  1 spring rain rushed into the embrace of the earth, singing every year to sing the song: the rustle, sand...... The joy of singing in heaven and earth.

  2 . 春雨沙沙地唱起了欢快的歌。

  2 spring rain sand sandy land sing a happy song.

  3 . 沙沙的春雨袅娜地从天而降,奏出叮叮咚咚的乐章。

  Spring niaonuo 3 drop from the clouds rustling, play the tinkling music.

  4 . 春雨娃娃在春风姑姑的怀抱里沙沙地唱着歌。

  4 spring rain in the spring of the baby in the arms of the aunt in the song.

  5 . 春雨沙沙的绵绵地像丝线般飘落在地上。

  5 the rain and the rain is falling on the ground like a silk thread.

  6 . 春雨妹妹沙沙地下起来了。

  6 spring rain sister rustle up.

  7 . 春雨像仙女撒花一样沙沙地下起来了。

  7 spring rain like the fairy and the flower like the rustle of the ground.

  8 . 春雨沙沙的下着,用她温柔的手掌抚摸着大地。

  8 spring rain, the next to the earth with her gentle palm.

  9 . 春雨姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步飘飘洒洒的来到人间,{三年级作文怎么辅导},沙沙的下着雨。

  9 spring girl walked with light footsteps durian came to earth, the rain rustling.

  10 . 春天的雨滴就像千万个伞兵,{关于母亲节的英文作文},从空中跳下来,安全地降落在地面上,沙沙的下着。

  10 spring rain like thousands of paratroopers, jumped down from the sky, landed safely on the ground, under a rustling.

  11 . 春雨沙沙的下着,绵绵地轻吻着万物。

  11 spring rustle under the rain, kiss the things.