捕小鱼英语日记带翻译 今天我在华农遇到了一位小妹妹,她和她妈妈正在捕小鱼。我看到了也有点想捕,她妈妈借了我一个网子,我找了半天没找到合适的'地方。小妹妹的妈妈让我去小妹妹的位置捕,不到两分钟我就捕到两条小鱼。过一会儿,在我发呆的时候小姨喊了一声:“快捕!……
Today, I met a little sister in Huanong. She and her mother are catching small fish. I saw it and wanted to catch it. Her mother borrowed a net from me. I didn't find a suitable place for a long time. My sister's mother asked me to go to my sister's place to catch two fish in less than two minutes. After a while, when I was in a daze, my aunt called out, "catch up!" I'll lift the net and catch it again.