仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 读完一本书以后,相信大家的视野一定开拓了不少,需要回过头来写一写读后感了。怎样写读后感才能避免写成“流水账”呢?以下是小编整理的仲夏夜之梦英语读后感,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 Having read a pla……
Having read a play named A Midsummer Night Dream which was one of Shakespeare’s earlier plays, I gained a lot of significant matters. Fairies, dreams and lovers are the three main elements.
From the beginning, there was a tough triangle love among lovers, the kind King in order to keep them from endless distress, he sent his fairy to pick up a purple peculiar juice and dropped it into lovers’ eyes that they will fall in love with anyone they first see. However, things getting worse and worse resulted from the careless fairy mistaking with two hostile men. Experienced ups and downs, all of lovers found their real mate. All the sad , complex and odd memories changed into a dream, the same dream in lovers’ mind. Furthermore, the duke in the play was a nice person , he didn’t look down upon the poor instead of “enjoying the simple language of unintelligent people”, and he allowed lovers to hold weddings together.
As far as I am concerned, I love this fairy tale presented by Shakespeare. Every word is in the expectation of sweet , perfect love .Meanwhile , their world was not a matter of fact , but there really existed a big distinction between their world and ours ? Should we learn something useful from that ? I think so.